Showing posts with label dulcet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dulcet. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dulcet is done, man!

After editing for the rest of yesterday and most of today, I was able to get the PDF finished for Dulcet.  I am so excited!  Here is the full description for you:

An airy shrug knit in lightweight yarn great for adding a little modesty to a slinky dress or giving some style to a T-shirt and jeans. Sweet details include eyelets threaded with ribbon and turned picot hems on the cuffs and neckband.

This shrug is worked from cuff to cuff, starting in the round, switching to knitting flat and then back to in the round. Once the sleeves and body are complete, the neckband is picked up from the body and knit in the round. A provisional CO for the left sleeve hem helps eliminate a bulky seam when sewing down the cuff. On both cuffs the live stitches are sewn down instead of bound off. A knitted bind off is used to attach the neckband to the body.

The sizing on this shrug is easy to suit to your own shape. By knowing your upper arm and shoulder to shoulder measurements, you’ll be able to get a great custom fit! Size chart and instructions on how to customize your fit are included.

To purchase the pattern PDF for $5.00, click here: 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Getting there.

 Yesterday I got the revisions that need to be made to Dulcet from my tech editor.  Can I just say, tech editors are awesome!?!  I had messed up the sizing in my effort to keep the pattern that means I have been doing a lot of editing since last night. 

For any designer that isn't sure if a tech editor is worth it...they so are.  Not only are they great for catching the little typos or symbol discrepancies in charts, but they check your math.  Sometimes, as in my case, one little error can throw the whole thing off the rails! 

Luckily everything is back on track and I should be finishing up my first round of editing tonight.  I also took some new pictures, since you could see through my shirt on the last set...heheh.  It was absolutely bugging the crap out of me, so I got dolled up and braved 93 degree temperatures in my wool shrug!

Hopefully, everything will keep moving along and this pattern will be done by the end of the week.  I would really love to have it released by Friday...or even earlier if I can buckle down and get to work!  Obviously I could probably be working on it right now, but I had to give a little update!

So fingers crossed that I will be posting about the release in a few days!  Also poor Winsome is still coming along.  I had planned to work on it all day yesterday, but my AC broke and by the time that was under control, I had to get to work on Dulcet.  Man, if only I were a speed knitter!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Decisions, decisions.

The second great swatch-a-palooza has been completed.  It actually took me a few days to decide which I liked best...definitely the hardest part!  I had to keep telling myself, that  just because I didn't use a design element I loved on this sweater doesn't mean I can't use it on another project.  So after all the debate, I made a decision and ripped my Winsome back to the waist ribbing and started in the new stitch pattern.  Hopefully the millionth time is the charm ; )

Testing on the Dulcet shrug is coming along, almost all of my test knitters are done or almost done!  That means it is time for me to get least favorite part of pattern writing.  It is not hard and doesn't take a lot of time (compared to the first draft), I think the problem is going back to something that hasn't been worked on in weeks or months.  It is difficult for me to get back into the mindset of older projects when I have been working on new designs in the interim.  I'll probably have to resort to setting a timer and forcing myself to work on it! Dulcet should be ready to go sometime around July 4th, and luckily still in "season."