Currently I am at critical mass of WIPs (works in progress). My usual goal is to have no more than three projects on the needles, and prefer only two. Right now I have six, seven if you count the project that I should cast on this month, since I signed up for the knit-along (KAL) as part of Malabrigo March.
The problem with all of these WIPs is that I cannot focus on one thing and progress is hard to measure. Luckily some of these projects haven't been touched in months and are hidden away in my closet so they don't stress me out quite as much. The only problem with the remaining WIPs is that they are all in sock or lace weight yarn. Projects where every centimeter is progress, and they are not small projects.
I like to keep knitting fun, but I am very much a product knitter. Sure I like the process, too, but it is the finished object that I am after! All the UFOs (unfinished objects) scattered around the house are starting to make me anxious. My goal for the remainder of March is to focus solely on one project and not touch anything else until April. It is less than a week, surely I can do it! Hopefully the yarn I ordered to swatch for some new designs does not come until the first of April!