Anyway, here is that look at my newest hat, Caliper. It comes in two versions: a worsted weight beanie and a DK weight scrunchy toque with a fun draw cord loop and toggle (the same toggles that will probably end up on Zephyr, heh). I am just finishing up the pattern now, hopefully it will be off to my testers in a few days :)

DK version.

Worsted version.
Currently I am trying to decide if I want to offer a hat eBook all at once, or release the patterns as they are ready and then create the eBook. Of course anyone that purchases one of the individual patterns before the eBook is released will get a discount off the whole kit n' kaboodle ;D
Oh, and I finally got a Lachesis and Co. facebook page (you can find the link in the upper right corner of this page) isn't really that exciting, I just post the blog updates there for now. Hopefully I will get something exciting going there soon!